“I’m learning from my time with Morgan to love myself for the parts of my life that I used to feel hate or powerlessness. She has helped me gain self-awareness, walk through grief, carry compassion, and encouraged me with setting boundaries and taking appropriate responsibility for my life.”
“Morgan has helped me understand some of my behaviors and triggers, which help me understand myself better. I have become tremendously more confident in myself over the past year of working with Morgan and I attribute that to understanding myself better and showing myself love and compassion through affirmations.”
“I immediately felt safe with Morgan. Since meeting with her, I reconnected to my inner child, my body, my intuition and my heart. I am now able to stand up for myself and make good decisions.”
Fun is a part of healing your trauma, too. Healing trauma - somatic experiencing- life coach- attachment theory
Part 2 of my experience in a cult. From a spiritual and religious deconstruction coach.